What We Do
Alongside the senior leadership team at Pakeman, governors are responsible for deciding on the strategic direction of the school.
The role of the Governors is to:
- Set the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
- Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of pupils and the performance of staff
- Oversee the school’s financial performance and ensure its money is well spent
This includes contributing to decisions on:
- vision and values
- staffing
- curriculum
- finance
- premises
- behaviour and standards
- equality and inclusion
- health, safety and safeguarding
- extended school
- special educational needs
- parental and community engagement
We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and inclusive place.
We support and challenge the school leadership team, acting as a ‘critical friend’.
We provide links to other schools in Islington.
We each contribute our experience and expertise to drive school improvement forward.
We meet in committees and once a term as a full Governing Body.
Pakeman Primary School currently has 9 governors including:
- the chair of governors
- the vice chair of governors
- 1 associate governor
- 4 co-opted governors
- 1 local authority governor
- 2 parent governors
- 1 staff governor
- and the governing body also includes the headteacher
The Deputy Head and School Business Manager also attend Governing Body Meetings.
Parent governors play a vital role on the Governing Body and their contribution is greatly valued. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor, please contact Laura Popazzi, Chair of Governors, via the school office.
Organisation of Committees
The committees are organised as follows:
- Resources Committee (Finance, Premises and Staffing)
- Curriculum Committee (Standards and Curriculum)
- Pay Committee
Governors Appointed to the Resources Committee:
- Amanda Sefton, Committee Chair
- Bashir Ibrahim
- Laura Popazzi
- Harry Cooke
- Fabienne Stewart Jones
- Emma Bonnin, Headteacher
- Gill Dukelow, SBM
Governors Appointed to the Curriculum Committee:
- Sara Evans, Committee Chair
- Amal Esselmi
- Ellis Johnstone
- Will Conway
- Fathiya Abdi
- Mustafa Barakzai
- Emma Bonnin, Headteacher
Pay Committee:
- Laura Popazzi
- Sara Evans
- Amanda Sefton
Link Governance
We have a system of link governance in place. Where possible, governors are linked to areas of the School Improvement Plan. Current link governor arrangements are:
- Safeguarding, inclusion (SEND) and attendance: Bashir Ibrahim
- Health and safety: Laura Popazzi
- Curriculum: Sara Evans
- Maths: Harry Cooke
- English: Ellis Johnstone
- Early years: Amanda Sefton
- Parents/carers and school community: Amal Esselmi, Fathiya Abdi and Mustafa Barakzai
- Staffing and Wellbeing: William Conway
- Assessment and data: Fabienne Stewart Jones
Contacting the governors: We welcome the views of parents/carers and are always happy to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have to improve the school. Parent governors are often available in the playground before or after school (you can identify us from the noticeboard just inside the front door), or you can leave a message for us in the office.
Attendance 2022-23-PakemanPrimary
Committees & Link roles -PakemanPrimary 2023-24
Committees-PakemanPrimary 2023-24
HistoricalRecords-PakemanPrimary 2022-23
Meetings-PakemanPrimary 2023-24