At Pakeman, we are committed to ensuring that children have high quality teaching in PE. Children receive weekly PE lessons from a specialist teacher and all pupils have two hours of PE timetabled per week to develop the core skills they need to become well-rounded sportsmen and women.

Pupils also have the opportunity to complete the National Cycling Proficiency scheme in KS2.

We provide opportunities for children to take part in a range of tournaments both within school (Intra-competitions) between year groups and with other schools (Inter-competitions).

We provide opportunities for children to take part in a range of tournaments both within school (Intra-competitions) between year groups and with other schools (Inter-competitions).

We have been awarded an Activemark for high quality provision.

We use the Merton PE Scheme of work:
PE curriculum


Year 5 and Year 6 children have two ‘two week blocks’ of daily swimming lessons. This is equivalent to 1o weeks of ‘weekly swimming lessons’ for each year group. These take place at Caledonian Road Swimming Pool and areĀ  provided by professional swimming instructors. This ensures that children can build on their skills on a daily basis.

Children should be able to swim at least one full length and we aim for them to be confident swimmers by the end of Year 6.

Swimming data analysis for 2023 (Year 6)

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 34/42 children (81%)
  • Use a range of strokes effectively: 34/42 children (81%)
  • Perform safe self-rescue in a range of water-based situations 39/42 children (93%)

Sports Grant

For information about our sports grant spending please click here

Sports premium strategy report 2023.2024

Sports premium strategy report 2022.2023 evaluated

Sports premium strategy report 2022.2023