British Science Week at Pakeman

As part of British Science Week, Pakeman pupils across the school planned and carried out a range of exciting investigations. These took place throughout the week and were inspired by some of the children’s favourite classroom stories.  Each phase in school used a different story book to provide exciting opportunities for scientific enquiry.   Several of the     investigations involved parents and carers working alongside their children, both in school and at home.

We were very lucky to be awarded £300 from the Kick Start grant which enabled us to buy the story books that teachers and children wanted to use, along with the resources needed to support the    children’s investigations.  We are very grateful to Kick Start for this funding.

Classroom exhibition areas are being set up to showcase the wide range of activities carried out and the work produced.  These photographs give you a flavour of some of our activities at Pakeman.




















Remember to check out the British Science Week poster competition.   Competition details appear once more on the final page of this newsletter. You have until March 23rd to enter.