Black History Month in the Early Years

The reception children have linked Black History Month to their topic ‘Who Am I?’ this week.

They began by reading the book ‘My Skin, Your Skin’ and talked about the differences they notice between the colour of their skin, eyes and hair.  They talked about how important it is to be proud of who they are and to celebrate their differences. The children then used different colour paints to each try and mix the colour of their skin and then created their own individual handprints.


Our 2+ children have been exploring the story ‘It’s okay to be different’ by Todd Parr.  They have been using their experiences of play and learning as a way to explore their feelings and emotions at different intervals of the day.  They talked about being sad when leaving a parent and feeling happy when someone is being kind. Another activity was to look at things they like and don’t like and discuss how this makes them feel.

The children also looked at how they are similar and different to each other.  They created self-portraits using mirrors.